Dr. Shiva Kintali is the Founder & CEO of EulerChain, True Dat Inc. Before starting True Dat Inc, he taught in the Computer Science department, Princeton University for four years.
He is a frequent public speaker on AI, Blockchain, Cryptography and Game theory and their socio-economic and cultural impact.
His (academic and industry, theoretical and practical) experience spans algorithm design, complexity theory, cryptography, machine learning, blockchain protocols, algorithmic game theory, structural graph theory, natural language processing, information retrieval, high-performance computing, compiler design and large-scale graph algorithms. He is researching Blockchain protocols (scalability, stability and privacy) since 2012.
He received his PhD in Computer Science from Georgia Institute of Technology, Masters in Computer Science from University of Southern California and B-Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur.
On today Show we Talk about:
What is the social media censorship problem?
What is decentralize identity and why is it important?
How is AI being used to divide people on their viewpoints?
Connect with Shiva
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