The Silicon Valley Podcast

Teaser 000 Launching April 30th, 2020

CEO and co founder of the unicorn company Canva Miss Melanie Perkins,

Square co-founder Jim McCovey,

Rotten Tomatoes co founder and first CEO Patrick Lee,

and many more of the top entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and leaders in tech.

And this is just the beginning.

The interviews we have scheduled will excite and amaze as we will be talking about the future. What is beyond 5g technology? What is digital wins? Where are the venture capitalists looking to invest? What they’re excited about and what they see lies in our futures. You’re going to get to enter the minds of some of the most brilliant people and learn from their knowledge and experiences. We want you our listeners to be connected to the knowledge and resources in Silicon Valley to help you and your lifelong path to education.
See how some of the top in their fields, look at problems, solve them and move on to the next challenge and overcome those as well. All this on the Silicon Valley podcast, officially launch it on April 30 2020. click to find us